DXTA supplies and installs the complete wireless monitoring system on the customers site.
The DXTA system combines sensors, smart mesh communications and cloud based technologies to deliver real time information to maintenance and engineering teams to prevent disruption in productivity and additional costs due to rotating component failures.
Data communication is handled through the 3G/4G/Satellite cellular network and operates independently of the customers data networks.
The DXTA System is designed to learn from interrogating the sensor data, improving the accuracy of predicting potential failures over time. As it is monitoring all sensors from all systems installed the process of self learning benefits from access to a much greater number of sensors than just a single installation. The learning at this level is totally anonymous so client security is not compromised.
Because of the way the sensor data is analysed it is possible to predict potential issues up to 13 weeks before they actually occur. This is very site dependant and relies on the learning ability of the software. The prediction of potential issues is improved the longer the sensor monitorings is in place.

Complementary to the onsite installation is an online dashboard that the customer uses to see the real-time status of the monitored components. When faults or potential issues are identified with a pulley or roller they get visual indicators from a web based traffic light system of the issue as well as email and/or SMS alerts to the relevant staff.
Once an alert is raised users can drill down for more information to assess what is happening. Standard reports can be generated to assist in ordering and scheduling replacement of pulleys and/or rollers. The customer can set the access levels for each user which determines what information is visible to them.
All data is stored is an industry standard database. This allows the dashboard system to interface directly with clients ERP systems. In addition the basic reporting provided there is the potential to develop tailored reports on the history and performance of the conveyors and rotating components monitored.
As DXTA has been developing and fine tuning the technology a number of onsite trials has been undertaken including:
- Coal Mine in Bowen Basin
- NT Bauxite Mine
- Worlds biggest metalliferous mine
- Bauxite mine in Western Australia